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FARM SUCCESSION PLANNING CHECKLIST Succession planning for a farm is crucial for ensuring the smooth transition of ownership and management to the next generation or successor. Here’s a...
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Sometimes the line between an employee and an independent contractor can be blurred. The Uber decision recently made headlines when the Fair Work Commission found that an Uber driver was an...
If you have revenue greater than $50m, assets greater than $25m, or more than 100 staff, then you may need a whistleblower policy. Read on for more details. According to the Australian Securities...
In NSW, media companies are now “publishers” on Facebook. They were not until last month, when Justice Rothman handed down his decision against News Corp in the Dylan Voller case (now on...
Employers should be alert to current worker entitlements: Unfair Dismissal High Income Threshold; Compensation Cap for Unfair Dismissal; Redundancy Tax Free Amount; Employment Termination...
Where’s there’s a Will, there’s sometimes a Way – to upturn it. Karl Lagerfield died last month. According to Le Figaro, his cat Choupette was to inherit a good bit of his estimated $300 million...
The issue of whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor is relevant for many business risks. These include the risk of employee-type claims for unfair dismissal or award wages, of...