CML Lawyers

Paid when Paid provisions

What are paid when paid provisions and how are they relevant in the construction industry?   The Problem   Delays in payments are endemic in the construction industry all over the world.  With global reports concluding that the construction industry is most affected by delays with 65% of stakeholders having experienced delayed payments. Extensive research […]

How to make sure your Payment Claim is Valid

Is your payment claim valid?   Below are questions you should be asking to ensure your payment claim is valid:   Am I covered by the Act? The Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (“SOP Act”) applies to the majority of construction contract, whether written or not, for construction work carried out […]

Minimum Wage Increase and other Super Changes – 1 July 2023

Minimum Wage Increase and other Super Changes – 1 July 2023 Each year, the government changes its fees and charges, and statutory thresholds and caps, effective with the start of the new financial year. For example, ASIC has increased company and business name fees from 1 July 2023 – you can find more details here. […]